Meet's not what you might 'think'
When standing she is 5’ 11’
Weighs in at 70kgs of pure muscle
She is
Loves nothing more than a good walk, tummy rub and cuddle
Did you know that Great Danes cuddle by leaning into you?
Magic is just that…magic. She has the softest mouth of any dog I know, unless you are a muntjac, in which case you might be supper.
Why am I speaking to you today about this beautiful dog called ‘Magic’?
Well, she is a beautiful reflection of how we are so easily misunderstood. Every time someone meets Magic they assume SHE Is a HE… that rather than being a powerful, big muscular bitch of a dog she is a male.
Even the word ‘bitch’ - defining the sex of a dog - is a word used against women
OFTEN when we do not comply with or fit into the stereotypical roles assigned to us.
‘She’s a bitch’…what does that even mean?
“The word has had a long and colourful past in the human lexicon, beginning with its suspected origins in Sanskrit. Linguists postulate that bitch started there with the ancient word bhagas, meaning “genitals,” and later found its way (in various forms) into Latin, French, and Old English, eventually coming to refer to a creature with exposed genitals, a.k.a, an animal. More specifically thereafter, the word narrowed to female animal, and within a few centuries, we landed on female dog.
The first shift in meaning from beast to human was not recorded until around 1400 AD. According to researcher Charles A. Collins from Southern Illinois University, here is where bitch first surfaced in writing to describe “a lewd, promiscuous woman … a prostitute.” ( history-of-the-word-bitch-necessitated-by-benedict-cumberbitch-676af728bbd0)
So how can it be that so many of us use this phrase to describe someone who is being fully themselves?
It is a sad state of affairs when we begin to see how much we have limited ourselves to ‘fit in/belong/comply’ because to be alone is too painful. How much we squish
ourselves into a box rather than stepping fully into the brilliance, bigness and beauty of who we are here to be.
How would it be if we embraced the gnarly parts of us, rather than casting them into the shadows? Debbie Ford used to say that her inner ‘bitch’ was the one that ‘got stuff done’ this is true. Midlife is one of these times that the ‘bitch’ comes out, often without mercy. Our tongues become loose as, from seemingly nowhere, Truths spurt forth like flames, scorching and scalding those that stand in our path
The other possibility is that we shut down even more. We suppress upon the suppression that is already there.
Years of ‘biting our tongue’ in order to not speak out of turn.
Decades of grief rage and longing built up under a cauldron of despair as we ‘lose who we were’ (if we ever knew at all) and begin little by little to break…things fail and fall…the Dr proclaims us depressed and sticks us on tablets to numb us even more…yet the soul is crying literally to be released from the suppression, the lies and betrayal of ourselves again and again.
For many of us fear eats away at us…as we begin the Imago process, the shedding and shedding of who we are. This time of life is a death upon death to birth ourselves again and again… the soul knows, it is stronger than all of that. We begin to pick away at the old skins, beliefs and awaken to the TRUTH of who we are
…underneath it all
Who are you?
Bitch, witch, crone, maiden, lover, seductress, all the things…you are the perfect imperfection of the unique configuration that is you.
Underneath it all we are just like Magic…bold, powerful, soft, playful, cuddly, sexual, strong and loving - we are all these things and more…we are majestic and magnificent. We are who we are…
Acceptance and appreciation is key.
You don’t need to do this alone…seek support.
Seek like-minded people and most of all SEEK YOURSELF.
I am taking on new 1:1 clients if you want some support in the ‘madness’ that is the midlife unbecoming to become…
If you are ready and know there is more…I am here…with love and in grace Sarah-Jayne